Pine, linseed oil wax, linseed oil paint
HAND PAINTED PINE BENCH 01 plays with the contrast of a rational, minimalist construction and an improvised and time consuming hand painted decoration. The motif is a simplifed oak leaf pattern, inspired by the 1700th century decorations that would later evolve into rose-painting.
Modern furniture design often fetichizes industrial production that promises to create furniture pieces that are the mirror image of their digital blueprints. The HAND PAINTED PINE BENCH 01 explores this juxtaposition of aesthetic attitudes.
HAND PAINTED PINE BENCH 01 is made from pine, a soft wood that will show dents and scratches from everyday use. Due to its sturdy design this won’t affect the quality of the structure, but rather add another layer of character to the piece. Over time the pale colour of fresh pine will darken to a golden honey-coloured shade.
Photos by Anne Bråtveit